Gerald Geilert

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Jitish Kallat: The Astronomy of the Subway, London, 2010

Jitish Kallat next to his sculpture Annexation, 2009 © ASIAN ART NEWSPAPER, 2009

Jitish Kallat: Anger at the Speed of Fright, 2009 © Haunch of Venison, 2010

Jitish Kallat: Chlorophyll Park (Mutatis mutandis) II, 2009 © Haunch of Venison, 2010

Jitish Kallat: Haemoglyphics (Archipelago of Aches), 2009 © Haunch of Venison, 2010

The socio-critical, Mumbai-based artist Jitish Kallat is observing the effects arising from the rampant economic growth and social change in India. With his lively, grotesque, partly surreal, partly ironic works he exposes the living conditions of the big city’s inhabitants. This article is about his exhibition The Astronomy of the Subway, which took place in the London gallery Haunch of Venison from February 15th to March 27th, 2010.

The Astronomy of the Subway: Jitish Kallat in London

The review was published in the Indian online magazine ARTCONCERNS, which is not available at present. A new version is published here.

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pdf-document: The Astronomy of the Subway: Jitish Kallat in London, 2010